Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Portent of Things to Come

David Limbaugh (brother of Rush) has observed that the most disturbing aspects about the Democrats' sweeping Nov. 4 victory are their intolerance for dissent and their willingness to censor and otherwise suppress their opponents. For examples:

1. Ohio state employee Vanessa Niekamp said she was ordered to run a child-support check on Joe the plumber, the man who asked Barack Obama a reasonable question (one never asked by the professional media) about redistributing taxpayer income. Niekamp doesn't remember ever having checked into anyone else without having a legitimate reason to do so, such as discovering that someone recently came into money.

2. Democratic prosecutors in St. Louis threatened criminal prosecution against candidate The One’s critics. In Pennsylvania, lawyers for Obama wrote intimidating letters to TV and radio stations that aired unflattering ads documenting Obama's anti-gun record.

3. The Obama campaign complained to the Department of Justice about the American Issues Project's ad tying Obama to William Ayers. Obama supporters flooded Chicago radio station WGN with harassing calls during its interviews of conservative writers investigating Obama.

4. On election night, Philadelphia police arrested a man who dared to wear a McCain-Palin '08 T-shirt at an Obama celebration rally. What's scarier is that the Obama crowd reportedly chanted with joy as cops arrested the man for exercising his freedom of political expression. According to the liberal worldview, arresting someone for disagreeing with you is not censorship, but implying someone is not patriotic is.

5. Obama has made no secret of his plan to pass "card-check" legislation, which some have described as the most radical revision of labor law since 1935. It would permit unions to eliminate secret ballots — against the wishes of 78 percent of union members — which would represent a radical blow to democratic principles.

6. Democrats fully intend to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine, an oxymoronically named regulation aimed at shutting down conservative talk radio, which Sen. Chuck Schumer

This arrogant attitude can largely be traced to the top-down indoctrination in our schools, cultural institutions, and media that liberalism is morally superior because it is tolerant, diverse, intellectual, and enlightened. (Pardon me while I barf!)

This view holds that conservative expression doesn't deserve constitutional protection because it is inherently evil. As one liberal academic administrator said in justifying his Draconian action in suppressing a Christian viewpoint, "We cannot tolerate the intolerable."

Folks, this is what happens when millions of uniformed ‘sheeple’ follow blindly a movement of ‘juss words, juss speeches’ without asking questions. The ‘professional media’ is anything but and can no longer be trusted. We have to ask the questions they will not. We have to hold those to task who would act with impunity. We must always be vigilant!

The Tennessee Conservative

Semper Vigilans