Friday, October 31, 2008

Beware of the "Change" You Are Promised

This election is the most important election in our lifetime. We face a real danger of electing an untested, uber-liberal, quasi-Senator (who has spent more time on campaigning for personal gain than earning his pay as a US Senator) and who could be a real and present danger to the security of the United States. We are in this position because the great uninformed public has been mesmerized by a very biased national press by a very fuzzy message of ‘hope’ and ‘change’. When the average supporter of candidate ‘hope’ is asked just exactly what does this ‘hope and change’ mean, there is usually stunned silence. So much for the substance of the Barack Hussein Obama campaign.

Here is just a sampling of ‘change’ you will get in the New Socialist Federation of Obamastan:

(1) Card check, meaning the abolition of the secret ballot in the certification of unions in the workplace. Large men will come to your house at night and ask you to sign a card supporting a union. You will sign.

(2) The so-called Fairness Doctrine -- a project of Nancy Pelosi and leading Democratic senators -- a Hugo Chavez-style travesty designed to abolish conservative talk radio.

(3) Judges who go beyond even the constitutional creativity we expect from Democratic appointees. Judges chosen according to Obama's publicly declared criterion: "empathy" for the "poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old" -- in a legal system historically predicated on the idea of justice entirely blind to one's station in life. 'Right and wrong' will not really be that important in the Obamaramic Code of Justice.

(4) An unprecedented expansion of government power. Yes, I know. It has already happened. A conservative government has already partially nationalized the mortgage industry, the insurance industry and nine of the largest U.S. banks.

This is all generally swallowed because everyone understands that the current crisis demands extraordinary measures. The difference is that conservatives are instinctively inclined to make such measures temporary. Whereas an Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Barney Frank administration will find irresistible the temptation to use the tools inherited -- $700 billion of largely uncontrolled spending -- as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to radically remake the American economy and social compact.

This is not socialism. This is not the end of the world. But you can see it from here. It would, however, be a decidedly leftward move on the order of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. The alternative is a McCain administration with a moderate conservative presiding over a divided government and generally inclined to resist a European social-democratic model of economic and social regulation featuring, for example, wealth-distributing growth-killing marginal tax rates.

The national security choice in this election is no contest. B. Hussein is untested and sends signals to our enemies, both foreign and domestic, that an Obama administration will offer them more opportunities to harm America and American allies. McCain? Our enemies DO NOT want him as a REAL Commander-In-Chief, and that is good enough for me!

Folks, it is not too late to correct the potential mess that looms. Tuesday, November 4th is the only “poll” that counts. Go Vote and take a friend or three! We can still pull America back from the brink!