Friday, November 07, 2008

Conservatism Dead? Not So Fast!

Conservatives are disappointed with the results of Tuesday’s election and rightfully so. It was a disaster! However, we must respect the American people’s decision, misguided as it may be, and work with the new president and Congress when it is in the best interest of the nation. We have been subjected to the gloating and crowing of Democrats and liberal pundits that the election results mark the end of conservatism and they read in the entrails a sign that Republicans should grant Democrats a free legislative ride. However, fifty-seven million Americans do not see it that way and neither should the remaining Congressional Republicans and conservatives across the country.

We are entering a very critical period that will shape the future of our economy and our country and we have a responsibility to rebuild the conservative movement by fighting for the principles of freedom, opportunity, security and individual liberty – and if the Republican Party wants to come along, so much the better. One major reason for the election debacle is that Republicans ceased being the party of conservative principles; they became Democrat-Lite. Given the choice between a copy and an original – well, you get my drift.

America is still a center-right country. This election was neither a referendum in favor of the Left’s radical approach to key issues nor a mandate for big government. The new Temporary Tenant of the White House campaigned by masking liberal policies with smooth words of moderate tenor to make his agenda more palatable to gullible voters. Soon he will seek to advance these policies through a Congress bought and paid for by liberal special interests such as unions, trial lawyers, and radical enviro-wackos. When he does he will have a fight on his hands, only if the Republicans grow a pair and return to the conservative the principles on which the Party was founded.

The new Temporary Tenant of the White House was elected promising “change” (the definition of which is still unknown), but “change” should not be confused with a license to raise taxes, drive up wasteful government spending, weaken our security or give more power to Washington, Big Labor Thugs and bottom-crawling scum-sucking trial lawyers. Americans did not vote for higher taxes to fund a redistribution of wealth; drastic cuts in funding for troops and national defense; the end of secret ballots for workers participating in union elections; more costly obstacles to American energy production; and the imposition of government-run health care on employers and working families.

Conservatives have a responsibility to offer a better way. We must reaffirm the American public’s faith in our movement; one of reform rooted in freedom and security. This will not happen overnight. We must make the case one issue at a time while offering solutions.

The Republican Party must return to conservative principles and earn back the trust of the American people and thus render them deserving the honor and responsibility of being returned to the majority.


The Tennessee Conservative