Monday, May 26, 2008

The Liberal Democrat Party – A Study in Victimology

The Liberal Democrat Party’s sole means of existence is to create as many “victims” as possible and to promise, with perfidious regularity, that their government will take care of your every wish and desire (it has gone way beyond needs). The Utopian Nanny State of Amerika is their ultimate goal, with them in control, of course (otherwise it would not be their idea of a Utopian Nanny State).

In order to be “victim”, as defined by Liberal Democrat Victimology, one needs only to exist. Anything that has ever gone wrong in life, or just slightly irritated you, must be the fault of someone other than yourself. In their Utopian Nanny State of Amerika, as a member of their Coalition of Victims, you need not take responsibility for anything. If you were a slackard in school and are now dumb as a box of rocks and cannot hold even the most menial job, it is not your fault. Blame it on NAFTA, or immigration, or better yet, blame it on Bush! Since personal responsibility is no longer necessary or desired, much less a work ethic or any sense of shame, you are a perfect candidate for the Democrat Coalition of Victims.

The best part of Liberal Democrat Victimology is that you may not even know you are a “victim.” If you are a hard-working American who gets up and does the right thing by going to work, paying your taxes, feeding your family and helping your neighbor, you are a “victim.” You do not think yourself a victim but you must be for Liberal Democrats to exist. Therefore they convince you that you are a victim of some “evil rich”, whatever that means. Liberal Democrat Victimology Theology does not accept the premise that a hard-working American works hard in hope of one day becoming one of the “evil rich.”

This just cannot be allowed! What if everyone worked hard, took responsibility for themselves and their own actions, cared for their own family and helped their neighbors? An attitude like that would be the end of Liberal Democrat Victomology and the Utopian Nanny State of Amerika. These blasphemous thoughts must be purged for the minds of the people. Liberal Democrat Victomoligists started this purge roughly 40 years ago through the public schools. Aided and abetted by the National Education Association (of Liberal Socialists) the Nation’s children have been systematically indoctrinated in the nuances of Liberal Democrat Victimology. Grades? We don't need no stinking grades! The “C” slackard student (victim) may have a ‘self-confidence crisis’ if the hard-working “A” student receives any type of recognition for a job well done. Competitive playground games? No! Someone might lose and have their feelings hurt (victimized). Now, don’t get me wrong. There are some good, honest teachers out there in the trenches, but I fear they are fighting the good, but futile battle.

Liberal Democrat Victimology has now become part of the 2008 Presidential campaign talking points for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. The Democrats have embraced the idea that soldiers are a new constituency in their Coalition of the Victimized. Obama's victory speech after the South Carolina primary in January grouped soldiers and their families with "the mother who can't get Medicaid for her sick child," the "teacher who works another shift at Dunkin Donuts" and the "Maytag worker who is now competing with his own teenager for a $7-an-hour job at Wal-Mart."

This is just insulting to our brave Volunteer / Heroes of the US Military. They must look back at their homeland from their faraway combat duty posts in disbelief and wonder, “Is this really what we are fighting and bleeding for?” How sad!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

America's Vets - Heroes All

Memorial Day is a good time to reflect on the sacrifices and services of the American soldiers and veterans and the U.S. military men and women. The American military is, has always been and will always recruit the best and finest of the crop of young men and women of the country and we will continue to shower them with appreciation, support and prayers, as we have always done. Memorial Day is just an opportunity for us to express the special places they have in the hearts of American citizens and more by honoring the people who work in the various branches of the military.

The horrific tragedy of September 11, 2001, stirred all and reawakened the spirit of patriotism in all hearts and unity and oneness bound all Americans in a special bond. If only that were still so! However, the words 'United We Stand' and 'God Bless America' still hold the power to stir most hearts on this very special day. Let the feelings of true patriotism and love for all those who have risked their lives for the sake of America show by putting up American flags in front of your houses, have parties with patriotic themes to honor military and ex-military men and women in your neighborhood and community. It is a good idea to coax them into telling more about their experiences with the military and on the warfront and you may get an opportunity to hear some exceptional real tales that you may have not even imagined about.

As Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. said in his Memorial Day address in 1884 at Keene, Memorial Day 'celebrates and solemnly reaffirms from year to year a national act of enthusiasm and faith.' With changing times, Memorial Day is more celebrated as a holiday than the glum occasion it was meant for. We must remember that the day means to honor of America's defense personnel who lost their lives in various wars. Though, people used to honor the graves of the war dead even before the Civil War, the National Memorial Day holiday, originally known as 'Decoration Day' was first observed on May 30, 1868.

The concept originated in the mind of General John Alexander Logan, who dedicated this day to decorate the graves of the American Civil War dead. Later, it encompassed all those who sacrificed their lives for their nation, from the Revolutionary War to the present. May 30th every year was celebrated as the Memorial Day until 1971. Later, the federal government issued the orders of holding the Memorial Day on the last Monday of May. Alabama celebrates Confederate Memorial Day on the fourth Monday in April while the states of Mississippi and Georgia celebrate it on the last Monday of April.

Seeing the Memorial Day losing its importance in the minds of younger generations, the concept of the National Moment of Remembrance was hatched by a national humanitarian organizations known as the 'No Greater Love, based in Washington, D.C. It was introduced in 1997 and is recognized by the President and Members of Congress. Since then, 'Taps' is at 3 p.m. throughout America to honor the contributions of our dead soldiers. All Americans are encouraged to pay respect to them by keeping silent for one minute in their memory at 3:00 p.m.

Better Watch Your Back, Barack!

Hilliary Rodham Clinton, the self-anointed Democrat Presidential nominee, was diagnosed with terminal 'foot-in-mouth' disease on May 23, 2008. This is usually a politically fatal affliction from which mere mortal politicians never recover. How did this condition manifest itself?

HRC, formally known as the smartest woman in the world, brought up the Robert F. Kennedy assassination while defending her decision to stay in the race against Barack Hussein Obama - leaving friend and foe alike aghast!

Said she, "My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it," dismissing calls to drop out.

Clinton made her comments at a meeting with the editorial board of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, a paper in South Dakota. She is campaigning in the state ahead of its June 3 primary.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has already expressed anger toward Clinton during the race, planned to spend his rally May 23rd at his Harlem-based National Action Network addressing "a sense of outrage and dismay at statements made by" the New York senator, according to his office.

“We have seen an x-ray of a very dark soul,” wrote Michael Goodwin, a New York Daily News columnist. “One consumed by raw ambition to where the possible assassination of an opponent is something to ponder in a strategic way. Otherwise, why is murder on her mind?”

The outburst joins “Sniper-gate” – Hillary’s imaginary landing under fire in war-torn Bosnia – as one of the most memorable mistakes of a historic fight to the finish between two remarkably evenly matched candidates.

Later the same day she firmly planted her foot in it by issuing a lame apology that mentioned the brain-cancer diagnosis this week of Ted Kennedy, RFK's brother.

"The Kennedys have been much on my mind the last days because of Senator [Ted] Kennedy and I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation, and particularly for the Kennedy family, was in any way offensive. I certainly had no intention of that, whatsoever."

Any comments about assassination and the primary contest are especially sensitive because Obama is the first African-American to advance so far in the race for the White House and he has faced threats, congressional sources have said. Concerns about Mr. Barack Hussein Obama’s safety led the Secret Service to give him protection last May, before it was afforded to any other presidential candidate, although Mrs. Clinton had protection, too, in her capacity as a former first lady. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama’s wife, Michelle, voiced concerns about his safety before he was elected to the Senate, and some black voters have even said such fears weighed on their decision of whether to vote for him.

A word to the wise, Barack Hussein Obama, any threats you may or may not have faced in the past were mild and harmless in comparison. You have now been targeted by the Pros. The Clinton's have left a string of bodies from Arkansas to Washington and have it down to a science.

Don't think I would take any late night walks in Fort Marcy Park, if you know what I mean!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Consequences of an Obama Presidency

Being that Barack Hussein Obama is now the defacto Democrat nominee for the presidency, what would things look like four years from now should he, Heaven forbid, be elected?

The issue that would be affected the most would be the shape and texture of the Mideast, the fount of worldwide terrorism, suicide bombers, Zionaphobes and haters of the United States and her allies.

Ever since 1972 and the George McGovern candidacy, the Democrat party has longed and moaned for a Utopian world of benevolent peace and harmony, much like a spoiled child demanding the unattainable. Their perfect world would be one in which we could "talk" and "reason with" those who have no intention of talking or reasoning with us as rational partners. Past administrations have learned this the hard way through events like the bombing of the World Trade Center, the attack on the USS Cole and, of course, September 11, 2001. But not, apparently, Barack Hussein Obama and most of the left-wing-nuts he represents.

They do not wish peace simply for the lack of violence, but for the money they could divert to the insatiable welfare state of their creation and sole reason for existence. The Left cannot exist without the pandering-for-votes opportunity of a larger and larger "nanny state" but have no intentions of themselves giving up anything to keep it going. The resources taken away from national security, they see as their natural inheritance.

The lessons of 200+ years of history dictate that if the United States were to show a mere iota of weakness, surrender or cut-and-run mentality from Iraq, our enemies will salivate in their celebration of our palpable moral weakness. When a head is lowered in weakness, it will get lopped off! Therefore, with an Obama presidency, Iran will have its nuclear weapon by 2012 in the confident expectation that America has no heart to do battle to prevent it.

On the domestic front, if Barack Hussein Obama keeps his pledge to raise taxes on the top 10% of income earners, he will give them enormous incentives to come up with new and ingenious ways to lower their reported income. Since just the top 1% of top income earners pay over 35% of all income taxes paid by ALL Americans, any decline in their taxable income will result in a dramatic decline in tax revenue; which will result in calls for even higher taxes. This, Barack Hussein Obama will learn the hard way.

His policies on quasi-universal health care will change all the incentives in our current health care system; and all for the worse. Studies show that a high percentage of demands for health care are the result of bad personal behaviors, such as eating or drinking too much, not exercising enough, and not taking advantage of preventive care. All this results in the tremendous waste of health dollars because they are paid by the State, not the responsible individual. Many older doctors, along with their wealth of knowledge and experience, with leave the profession rather than become employees of the State, constantly regulated, badgered and demeaned.

Neither Barack Hussein Obama, now the creature and prisoner of the American far Left, seems to understand how incentives motivate human behavior -- not force, nor coercion, mockery or nursery-school regulation. Real possibilities of good rewards up ahead for free and responsible actions are what produce growth, prosperity and security. They still live in the failed fantasy world of the European Left of 150 years ago.

Having learned nothing from the failures of socialist and statist and anti-capitalist ideas of the last 100 years, they are doomed to repeat those mistakes with devastating results. They porpel themselves, not with practical wisdom, but with outrage and contempt and an overarching desire to punish those who do not agree with them.

During a Barack Hussein Obama reign, virtue, character and responsibility for oneself would be mocked and discouraged. The State would take over more and more of life; leaving less and less control over one's own future. Moral concepts of right and wrong would be relegated to the Nanny State . . . and woe be unto 'right-wing' dissenters!

One can only hope that Barack Hussein Obama, as president, will be dissuaded from acting as he now says he will. Only in that way, as in the old proverb, will "God take care of children, drunks and the United States. "

But don't count on it!

Obama and Pretty Boy?

John Edwards, former presidential candidate and losing VP candidate with the haughty looking John Kerry, yesterday endorsed Barack Hussein Obama in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Watching the newsclips of the event reminded me of just how smarmy Edwards, a vehicle to carry around a haircut, really is. Edwards' endorsement of Obama is just the latest in a line of high-profile Democrats who have thrown Hilliary Clinton under the campaign bus on the road to Denver.

Once again, Edwards, the "champion of the poor?" is in the spotlight spouting populist pablum. The former ambulance chaser with the exaggerated North Carolina drawl who lives in a 28,000 sq foot, $6 million 102 acre estate and $400 haircuts is the poor-man's champion. What a sick joke! Even with the sound off, the video of this bottom-crawling-scum-sucking-scavenger leaves you reaching for the anti-bacterial soap. His facial expression while speaking at you is one of raised eyebrow pandering condescension; reminiscent of the high-school frat boy we all knew with new contact lenses, constantly blinking with nose held high.

The professional chattering class are now all agog at the prospect of an Obama / Edwards ticket this fall.

Perfect! The empty suit and the empty head. It just doesn't get any better than that!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome My Friends To The Show That Never Ends

I have not commented lately in this space simply because I have been sitting back and enjoying the unfolding train wreck called the Democrat Presidential Primary. There has been so much good material, I just did not know where to start. However, it is now time to start weighing in with greater regularity.

The Demo-spat primary has been going on for a year and a half; however it feels like a period longer than married life! It has been entertaining and nauseating at the same time. Just how much populist-socialist pandering can one stand?

Hillary downing shots-and-a-beer in Indiana and fake Southern drawls in black churches. Promises to raise taxes on the evil rich while she and Hubba-Bubba rake in $109 million last year in questionable income. Hypocrisy is nothing new to Hillary (just how did you find those billing records?) but now has become so outrageous that even wild-eyed mouth-foaming liberals are taking notice. Vivid memories of withering sniper fire in Bosnia and duck hunting in her youth. Hillary wouldn't know a duck if one sat in her lap and called her "momma"! (No offense meant to Chelsea) What a show! Hillary is the best thing the Republicans have going. The longer she hangs around like the nagging ex-wife from hell, the more dysfunctional the Dumbocrat Party becomes.

As for Barack Hussein Obama? Well, just where do you start? Just who is this guy? A two dimensional image with no depth. What are his accomplishments that make him think he is qualified to be Commander-In-Chief? A still wet-behind-the ears (big ears at that!) Senator from Illinoxious rated as the most Liberal Senator in a Liberal Senate. His position on the economy is not that much different from any other without-a-clue Liberal: raise taxes! For example, on the issue of capital gains taxes; he wants to raise them from the current 15% to 29%. When it was pointed out to him that, historically, lower capital gains taxes generate more investment and therefore, higher revenues from capital gains taxes as a result his response is that the consequences of higher taxes is not the concern; the issue is one of "fairness"! The Liberal idea of "fairness is thus: If you have worked hard, taken risks and have reaped the rewards of your work and risk and have achieved "it"; that is inherently unfair. Therefore, we, who know better than you, will confiscate your "it" and give it someone who has not worked for it or taken risks to achieve it and really does not deserve it. That is, in the Liberal Universe, somehow defined as "fair." Besides that, he is completely oblivious to the fact that 40% of cap-gains tax revenue come from people making less than $50,000 / yr. (You know, the people who cling to God and guns.) Never a thought from Liberal Dem Land that cutting government spending might be part of the answer.

Historically, a man's character has, in large part, been determined by the company he keeps. This is still true unless your name is Barack Hussein Obama and the company you keep is a flaming radical black preacher damning America (Jeremiah Wright)or a un-repentent domestic terrorist such as William Ayers of Weather Underground fame. (No, Weather Underground is not a heavy metal rock band but a bunch of radical leftists that planted bombs in such places as the Pentagon and regrets they did not do more.) If the Obamessiah were a conservative Republican, the media, by now, would have left nothing more than a greasy spot on the sidewalk of 'such an out of the mainstream' candidate.

But, not to worry, we do not have a conservative Republican anywhere in sight!