Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Defeatists Running Scared

Defeatist Washington Democrats have their scrawny necks stuck out and General Pretreaus just might chop their heads off, politically speaking. The Defeatists are running scared. They have so invested their political existence on American defeat in Iraq that the mere hint of success sends chills down their spineless backs. Undermining the war, in earnest since 2005, they have tried to hide behind the platitudes of “we support the troops, but . . .” The hypocrisy has been blatant. After a near unanimous vote approving General Petreaus and his plan for “the Surge”, the ‘Defeatocrats’ immediately stabbed him in the back. On April 19th of this year, Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrat majority in the US Congress uttered the following proclamation, “"I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week." This before the assets for the approved ‘surge’ was even in theater!

Just last month, July, Congressional Democrats engaged in multiple efforts to introduce legislation mandating withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, thereby guaranteeing the defeat they wish for. All this after agreeing to wait until the September report from General Pretreaus, commander on the ground in Iraq! Why are they now so anxious to pre-empt the September deadline? They are in political mortal fear that the ‘Surge’ might actually be working. The lock-step liberal media that has filtered any news of progress in Iraq is beginning to show some cracks in the dike. The New York Times, the paper of record for defeatists, in publishing the op-ed piece from Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack of the liberal Brookings Institute, is evidence of this cracking. This piece now paints a very different picture, based on their actual investigation on the ground in Iraq. While not a rosy scenario (there are very few rosy scenarios in any war) they conclude that "there is enough good happening in Iraq that Congress should plan on sustaining the effort at least into 2008."

Good news from Iraq that could spill over into 2008? The last thing the ‘Defeatocrats’ want to the public to hear. 2008 has a much different meaning to politicians than to generals!