Sunday, February 08, 2009

Walking On Water Will Get Your Feet Wet!

A few days ago, liberal columnist E.J. Dionne tried to break it to us gently:

“No occupant of the White House has ever been able to walk on water.”

That is, no previous occupant of the What House has been able to walk on water – your Eisenhowers and Roosevelts, your Chester Arthurs and Grover Clevelands and so on. But B. Hussein Obama did not present himself as one of these old losers. He promised to heal the planet and lower the oceans. So, even if he couldn’t walk on water, you would think that at least he should be able to row a boat. “He is a community organizer like Jesus was,” said Susan Sarandon, actress and towering intellect, “and now we’re a community, and he can organize us.” (Barf bag, please.)

So, just how is that going, Barry? Instead of feeding the people with loaves and fishes, you want to take a trillion pieces of pork and feed it to a handful of Liberal Democrat Party interest groups. (Yes, the same ones that you vowed would be banished from the halls of government.) Instead of twelve disciples, you has picked the Dirty Dozen of tax cheats.

A president doesn't have to be able to walk on water. But he does have to choose the right crew for the ship, especially if he's planning on spending most of his time at the captain's table, schmoozing the celebrity guests with a lot of deep thoughts about "hope" and "change." Far worse than his Cabinet picks was President Obama's decision to make the "stimulus" racket the all-but-sole-priority of his first month and then outsource the project to Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Harry Reid.

The bloated non-stimulus bill and the taxed-challenged nominees are part of the same story. I can understand why Tom Daschle was reluctant to toss an additional $150,000 in personal taxes into the great sucking black hole of the federal Treasury. Who knows better than a former senator, who never passed up a chance to vote for a tax increase, that this money is entirely wasted? Tom Daschle, Tim Geithner, and Charlie Rangle, tax-challenged all, know they can do more good with their own money than the US Government can. Oh that they followed the logic of their behavior and recognized that what works for them would also work for every other tax-paying citizen.

Most new presidents get at least a few months honeymoon in office. It is amazing that B. Hussein’s lasted all of two and a half weeks. In that short time span he has succeeded in nearly igniting a trade war with Europe and the rest of the world (the Buy-American proposal in the Pork Bill); emboldening Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Hamas through perceived weakness and destroying any hope (there it is again) of a bi-partisan rule.

Congrats, Barry! You are off to a great start! Remember: Trying to walk on water only results in wet feet.