Friday, February 06, 2009

An Embarrasement to Rube Goldberg !

The more that Americans, the ones that actually pay taxes, find out about so-called ‘Stimulus' bill being huckstered by the B. Hussein White House, the more we do not like they way they want to spend our money.

This thing is a rotting corpse of moldy liberal social-engineering, fiscally irresponsible, and totally non-simulative wet-dreams pent up in the deranged liberal mind for decades; and it smells to high heaven. To call this Pelosi-Reid monstrosity a Rube Goldberg contraption is an insult to Rube Goldberg!

The Democrat ruled House of Reprobates gave birth to this hideous thing and, so far, the Democrats in the Senate (America’s only professional criminal class) have put it on steroids and it keeps growing! Currently $920,000,000,000 (zeros included for 'shock and awe')

The stated purpose of this bill is to jump-start a slowing economy by creating jobs and restoreing confidence in our capitalistic system. In its present form, it is in reality a transformative step to a United States Socialist Republic that would put the likes of France to shame (and just how has that worked out for you Mr. Frenchie Frenchman?).

Some of the more imaginative ‘simulative’ (not) elements of this porcine pander-party include, but not, by any means, limited to:

Title VI, Financial Services and General Government, says that "not less than $6,000,000,000 shall be used for construction, repair, and alteration of Federal buildings." There's enough money there to name a building after every Member of Congress. Sen. Robert Byrd would be proud!

The Bureau of Land Management gets $325,000,000 to spend fixing federal land, including "trail repair" and "remediation of abandoned mines or well sites," no doubt left over from the 19th-century land rush. If they have been around since the 19th-century, what is the rush now?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are getting $462,000,000 for "equipment, construction, and renovation of facilities, including necessary repairs and improvements to leased laboratories." If these labs are leased, shouldn’t the landlord kick in here?

The National Institute of Standards gets $357,000,000 for the "construction of research facilities." Just what exactly does the National Institute of Standards research? The Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration gets $427,000,000 for that. The country is in an economic meltdown and the federal government is redecorating.

The FBI gets $75,000,000 for "salaries and expenses." Inside the $6,200,000,000 Weatherization Assistance Program one finds "expenses" of $500,000,000. How many bureaucrats does it take to "expense" a half-billion dollars?

The current, Senate-amended version now lists "an additional amount to be deposited in the Federal Buildings Fund, $9,048,000,000." Of this, "not less than $6,000,000,000 shall be available for measures necessary to convert GSA facilities to High-Performance Green Buildings." High performance? What the . . . . ?

Such as the amendment to Section 2(3)(F) of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, which will permit payments to guys employed to repair "recreational vessels." Under Incentives for New Jobs, we find a credit to employ what the bill calls "disconnected youths," defined as "not readily employable by reason of lacking a sufficient number of basic skills." If these ‘disconnected youths’ have lack basic skills, just where have the BILLIONS gone in the name of public education? Hmmmmm?

Sen. Tom Coburn is threatening to read the bill on the floor of the Senate. I have a better idea: Read it on "Saturday Night Live."

All this type of stuff is not ‘stimulative’; it is more useless government spending. The Democrats are trying, to paraphrase Sarah Palin, put lipstick on this pig and sell it to us as a pony!

If all this ‘spending’ is good, then introduce it as separate bills and let it stand on its on merit. Of course, the Democrats cannot do this because it has no merit upon which to stand!

Fear-mongering and hoodwinking are not exactly the ‘change and hope’ Americans were promised!