Saturday, February 14, 2009

Inmates In Charge of the Asylum

The US Congress just rammed through the biggest piece of crap legislation that has ever been crapped. And that is quite a feat for this bunch! This thing makes a diarrhea ward look spic and span! It is so laden with bribes for votes for the next 20 elections that it puts Chicago’s mayor’s office to shame; a difficult task even for those with no shame!

The Democrat leadership broke every rule, promise, and appearance of responsible action along with at least eight of the seven deadly sins in order to purchase their hold on power with your hard earned money; money that not only will come from your pocket but from your children, grand-children and great-grand-children (if this country lasts that long). $1 Trillion in spending along with about $9 Trillion in interest on the $1 T. These numbers are so big, that no one, not even economists can wrap their heads around it.

After bribing three turncoat Republicans in the Senate to vote for this “Let’s Make America Socialist” bill, the House of Reprobates lead by Queen B*** Reprobate Pelosi, added back much of the waste that the Senate half-heartedly deleted and brought it to vote, all 1100 pages of it, without a single member of congress given a chance to read it; not even the 48 hours voted unanimously (as if half of them could read). I am convinced that at least half of the US Congress does not have the IQ of a kumquat (my apologies to the kumquat lobby). Folks, the inmates are now in charge of the asylum!

The actions of our “elected representatives” are, in most cases, just plain stupid; this one is down right criminal. Congress has been flooded with communications from Americans opposed to this spending bill and the fear-mongering way it was being sold to us. Instead of listening to and representing those who elected them, they ignored us voted into law (surely to be signed by B. Hussein next week) a disastrous social re-engineering bill disguised as a fiscal stimulus package.

They are now in breach of their contract with us and should all be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors of galactic proportions. They have been entrusted with our money and have a fiduciary responsible to use it wisely for our benefit…not theirs. If any Board of Directors in the country would treat shareholders money as the US Congress does (we taxpayers are shareholders in the country) they would be in prison.

It makes me almost physically ill to watch these hypocrites sit up there and berate business owners (bankers, auto execs) when they themselves are guilty of the most gross incompetence and malfeasance imaginable. Here is an idea: do not put caps on CEO’s pay…make Congress work for $1 per year until they get things right! Take away their perks like Pelosi’s private military luxury airliner. Make them walk to work instead of chauffeured limos. Let their compensation be a percentage of the amount of tax reduction and spending cuts they pass. Then you would see some responsibility.

Here are just a few jewels that this brain trust thinks will create jobs and stimulate the economy (after the President of the United States lying about there being absolutely no “pork” in this bill):

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Railway to Sin City. Appointing yourself a Senate conferee has its perks. Roughly $8 billion in perks. Reid, you see, needs to stimulate his re-election bid, so he haggled with President Obama to tuck in a teeny, tiny, yes, porky amendment for high-speed rail lines. Reid has his eyes — and paws — on a proposed Los Angeles-to-Las Vegas magnetic levitation train. He has already sunk $45 million in previous earmarks into his, yes, pet project. Wasn’t it earlier this week that President Obama was lecturing companies not to travel to Las Vegas on the taxpayers’ dime?

But I digress. Along with these not-earmarks, not-pet projects, there’s $2 billion for impeached Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s pet FutureGen near-zero emissions power plant project, $300 million for souped-up “green” golf carts for government workers, $30 million for “smart appliances,” and the $65 million for digital TV coupons. According to Hill Republicans, money for basic highways and bridges was cut by $1 billion from the House-passed level, but:

· $9 billion for school construction was added back in (originally cut by the Nelson-Collins “compromise”);

· $5 billion was added to the state fiscal stabilization fund (originally cut by Nelson-Collins), making it a grand total of $53.6 billion;

· $1 billion was added back for Prevention & Wellness Programs, including STD education; and

· $2 billion for neighborhood stabilization program.

That “neighborhood stabilization” slush fund money will end up in the pockets of left-wing shakedown artists such as ACORN and the Massachusetts-based Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), led by self-proclaimed “bank terrorist” Bruce Marks. There’s an additional $3.25 billion in HUD grants and Community Development Block Grants in the bill that will also inevitably find its way into the coffers of these housing entitlement lobbying groups.

Another egregious not-earmark earmark that survived untouched: $2 billion for the National Parks Service championed by House Democrat conferee and Appropriations Chairman Rep. David Obey. A report by the GOP minority on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee revealed that Obey’s son, Craig, lobbied the panel and advocated for the stimulus plan on behalf of the National Parks Conservations Association.

All told — and safely assuming that the major spending provisions become permanently enshrined — the final price tag of this government hogzilla of all hogzilla over the next 10 years will be a whopping $3.27 trillion with a “T.”

Folks, time is quickly drawing near for the peasants to take up torch and pitchfork, melt down the tar, pluck a few chickens and head for Washington!