Thursday, October 23, 2008

It Ain't Over Yet !

The country is in two unpopular (although justified) wars in the midst of the worst financial mess since the 30’s. A mess caused by the same people who now purport to fix it. The President’s poll numbers have dropped to match Harry Truman’s when he left office and John McCain has not exactly run a stellar campaign. The national media is in the bag for the Obama-crats and General Colin Powell, George Bush’s former secretary of state, has now endorsed B. Hussein Obama.

Not since the last prophet of ‘change’, that now colossal jewel of ignorance, Jimmy Carter, has voters been so eager for a shake-up.

Why then, despite the heavily weighted polls in favor of Obama, has B. (The One) Hussein not completely closed the deal?

The answer is easy. Voters still really do not know who Obama is, or what he really wants to do. After more than a year in your face, he still remains a irritating enigma.

Obama promised to be the post-racial candidate who would bring us together. But when asked in March 2004 whether he attended regularly Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama boasted, "Yep. Every week. 11 o'clock service."

The healer Obama further characterized the racist Wright as "certainly someone who I have an enormous amount of respect for." And Obama described the even more venomous father Michael Pfleger as "a dear friend, and somebody I interact with closely."

Obama can dismiss his past associations with Bill Ayers as perfunctory and now irrelevant. But why then did an Obama campaign spokesman say Obama hadn't e-mailed with or spoken by phone to Ayers since January 2005 , suggesting more than three years of communications -- in a post-9/11 climate -- after Ayers said publicly he had not done enough bombing?

Obama's campaign shrugged when legal doubts were raised about the sloppy voter registration practices of ACORN -- an organization that Obama himself has both helped and praised.

Yet Obama once was a stickler for proper voter documents. In 1996, he had all of his Democratic rivals removed from the ballot in an Illinois state primary election on the basis of sloppy voter petitions.

Many of Obama's surrogates, from congressional leaders like Rep. John Lewis to his running mate, Joe Biden, have suggested that the McCain and Palin candidacies have heightened racial tensions. (How can that claim not be made when every question asked of and criticism leveled at B. Hussein is met with the charge of coded or out-right racism?) Do such preemptory warnings mean that one cannot worry about Obama's 20-year relationship with Rev. Wright or long association with Father Pfleger?

It's also unclear exactly what Obama's message of "hope" and "change" means. The hope part turned a little weird when Obama, in prophetic fashion, proclaimed, "We are the ones we've been waiting for," and later put up Greek-temple backdrops for his speech at the Democratic convention.

There are many more questions that the Obama campaign will not allow to be asked and that the bought and paid for media refuses to ask.

Folks, this is not over. It is not time to panic but time to take action. We can still save the country despite itself. The only poll that counts is the one that is taken on Election Day in the privacy of the voting booth. We can still drag McCain across the finish line kicking and screaming despite him.

GO VOTE! … and if you were registered by ACORN … vote often!