Sunday, March 23, 2008

Obama’s Wright “Chickens” Could Roost on Hillary

Hillary and her cadre of hit-men (persons) are sitting fat and sassy like the feline who devoured the avian. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barak Hussein Obama’s spiritual mentor and pastor for the past 20 some-odd years, the Black Racist bigot whom Obama considers an ‘old uncle’, has moved into the Obama-Haus and will not go away.

Barak Hussein’s Rev. Wright problem was not solved with his, now famous, Tuesday Speech when he refused to disown this hate-speech spewing, anti-American black racist; instead he tried, unsuccessfully, to distant himself from some of Rev. Racist’s more politically poisonous rants, but not from the source itself. The lame attempt of justifying such bile with “moral relativism and white guilt” was more damaging that saying nothing. White independent voters are beginning to see The Obamessiah for what he really is: Just another black South Side politician.

This apparent solid gold gift to the Hillary campaign may just prove to be fool’s gold. Hillary and Hillary, Inc. have been very quite on the subject. This, in itself, is a very odd occurrence for this group of flame-throwers; instead she has been “back-rooming” super-delegates dropping hints of doubt about Obama’s electability. This back-room politics as usual and the deafening silence from her on Wright’s rants could just be her undoing. The Wright issue will make her unelectable as well if she cannot stand up to him. But, alas, if she does, she could win the nomination but lose a significant chunk of the key black vote in the general election. If she does not come out and condemn the black racist and his movement, she will lose the key white vote. Damned is she does and dammed if she doesn’t. Priceless!

This is all very entertaining to this “typical white person” as we are considered by Hussein Obama, but it begs the question: If there is such a thing as a “typical white person” is there, on the other side of the equation, the “typical black person”? Sounds like racial profiling to me!