Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Simply Disgraceful !

What is happening in ‘main-stream media’ here of late? There is actually some “positive” news from Iraq being reported, albeit reluctantly. The New York Times has started cautioning against any immediate departure from Iraq after running reports that the “Surge” might actually be working. Europe’s biggest and Germany’s most influential and rabid anti-American magazine, Der Spiegel, wrote this week: “The wind has shifted in Washington. America, not just this president, is at war.” “Many Americans now despise Bush (because of Iraq). Nevertheless, Americans are still loath to admit defeat.”

With moist fickle finger constantly in the winds, Democrats are beginning to realize, as General George Patton said, “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser.” Throughout this past winter, spring and early summer, Democrats have been braying as loudly as they can to get out of Iraq as fast as they could slither. Sen. Harry Reid said the war is lost. Gov. Bill Richardson said that on his first day in the Oval Office, he would order our troops to leave Iraq immediately even to the point of abandoning their weapons and equipment. Mrs. Bill Clinton crowed that if Bush doesn’t end the war, she would immediately after her royal coronation. (Heaven help us!)

Realizing their stupendous misread of the American public, Democrats are now trying to, with the help of a complicit media, erase the historic record of their cowardly loss of nerve this spring. Barack Hussein Obama, in his best Rambo act, has said that President Obama would invade Pakistan to show how tough he in prosecuting the "War on Terror"; while Mrs. Bill Clinton would consider nuking terrorists. The Democrat reformation has begun.

The American public must not forget these cowardly, defeatist statements by the Democrats and are to be repeatedly reminded of what these “losers” were saying the past few months. As Tony Blankley has written, “The leadership of the Democratic Party has, by their public words this spring, disgraced themselves for a generation. Republicans have the right -- and the duty -- to engrave in the public mind the springtime Democratic perfidy and cowardice in the face of the enemy.” Herein lie the seeds for the well deserved landslide defeat of the Democrat Party next November.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Propaganda Redux

In today’s, (Tuesday, August 7th) Wall Street Journal in an article entitled “Propaganda Redux”, some chilling revelations were made by a former KGB General that is relevant to our current sad state of political discourse.

Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa is the highest-ranking intelligence officer ever to have defected from the Soviet bloc. He reveals that sowing the seeds of anti-Americanism by discrediting the American president was one of the main tasks of the Soviet-bloc intelligence community during the years he worked as the head of Romania’s intelligence station in West Germany. The Soviets understood that international respect for America is directly proportional to America’s own respect for its president. The communist effort to generate hatred for the American president began soon after President Truman set up NATO and continued until the fall of the Soviet Union on the watch of President Regan.

Lt. Gen. Pacepa stated, “During the Vietnam War we spread vitriolic stories around the world, pretending that America's presidents sent Genghis Khan-style barbarian soldiers to Vietnam who raped at random, taped electrical wires to human genitals, cut off limbs, blew up bodies and razed entire villages. Those weren't facts. They were our tales, but some seven million Americans ended up being convinced their own president, not communism, was the enemy.” Sound familiar, John Kerry?

Today’s Bush-hating liberal far left has taken a page right out of the communist playbook and the Democrat presidential pretenders and many Democrats in Congress are singing in perfect harmony. They are abetting America’s enemies with their intemperate attacks on President Bush.

We may not be able to change this shameful behavior of some of our current political representatives, but we are certainly able, through the power of the ballot, to introduce healthy new blood into the U.S. Congress. Let’s vote next year for people who believe in America’s future, not for the ones that loath America and everything that has made her great.


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Monday, August 06, 2007

Backed In A Corner

Congressional Democrats have allowed themselves to be backed into a very uncomfortable corner. The ‘Nutroot’ anti-war base, to which the Democrat party has become beholding, has been furious that Democrats in Congress haven’t pulled the plug on the war already. Egged on by this base, Democrats have staked out a position on the war in Iraq that will be their undoing. That position is ‘Defeat At All Cost.’ A position of political self-preservation that is likely to become political self-immolation!

Being so far out on the defeatist limb; there is no way back for them except an American defeat and retreat from Iraq. This is evidenced by such statements as “this war is lost..” by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat; and by Representative Nancy Boda, Democrat of Kansas storming out of a hearing in a snit as retired General Jack Keene had the gall to report progress in Iraq. Then there is House Minority Whip James Clyburn, Democrat saying that the prospect of an even partially positive report from General David Petreaus, the US commander in Iraq, this fall would be “a real big problem for us.”

I do not want to believe that Congressional Democrats, for most part, really do hate America as their ‘Nutroot’ masters appear to do. However, perception is reality in Washington.

Democrats have made a huge political blunder. Historically challenged as they are wont to be, they have forgotten that Americans hate losers. This country was not built by losers, but it can be destroyed by them.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Too Hot To Handle?

As Fred Thompson, actor-lawyer-politician nears his much anticipated official announcement as a presidential candidate, his wife, Jeri, is being slurred by liberal media and Democrat operatives as a “trophy wife.” Jeri, at age 40 is 24 years younger than her husband. She is also beautiful, intelligent and powerful. Bill Clinton must be eating his heart out!

No ‘trophy wife’ she, after working for the Senate Republican Conference and the Republican National Committee, she became a big-time political media consultant in Washington. She has been intimately involved in the planning of her husband's campaign, including last week's staff shakeup. When Tom Collamore left as Thompson's campaign manager, he told CNN that he was "very respectful of the desire of Fred and Jeri to make some changes as they move to the next level." Those comments indicated that whoever ran this campaign would have to answer to the candidate's wife.

Thompson, making light of this at his $1,000-a-ticket fund-raiser at he Marriott hotel in down Washington this week, reflects the cool reaction to crisis he has displayed as GOP counsel of the Watergate investigation, U.S. senator from Tennessee and many dramatic roles (most recently district attorney of Manhattan).That he is in a commanding position for the nomination may explain the extraordinary attention paid to his wife.

The spectacle of liberal media pithily demeaning the wife of a man who is not yet a presidential candidate should not be surprising. It just shows how seriously they fear a Thompson presidential bid and also belies their wobbly faith in their own Democrat field.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Defeatists Running Scared

Defeatist Washington Democrats have their scrawny necks stuck out and General Pretreaus just might chop their heads off, politically speaking. The Defeatists are running scared. They have so invested their political existence on American defeat in Iraq that the mere hint of success sends chills down their spineless backs. Undermining the war, in earnest since 2005, they have tried to hide behind the platitudes of “we support the troops, but . . .” The hypocrisy has been blatant. After a near unanimous vote approving General Petreaus and his plan for “the Surge”, the ‘Defeatocrats’ immediately stabbed him in the back. On April 19th of this year, Harry Reid, the leader of the Democrat majority in the US Congress uttered the following proclamation, “"I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week." This before the assets for the approved ‘surge’ was even in theater!

Just last month, July, Congressional Democrats engaged in multiple efforts to introduce legislation mandating withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, thereby guaranteeing the defeat they wish for. All this after agreeing to wait until the September report from General Pretreaus, commander on the ground in Iraq! Why are they now so anxious to pre-empt the September deadline? They are in political mortal fear that the ‘Surge’ might actually be working. The lock-step liberal media that has filtered any news of progress in Iraq is beginning to show some cracks in the dike. The New York Times, the paper of record for defeatists, in publishing the op-ed piece from Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack of the liberal Brookings Institute, is evidence of this cracking. This piece now paints a very different picture, based on their actual investigation on the ground in Iraq. While not a rosy scenario (there are very few rosy scenarios in any war) they conclude that "there is enough good happening in Iraq that Congress should plan on sustaining the effort at least into 2008."

Good news from Iraq that could spill over into 2008? The last thing the ‘Defeatocrats’ want to the public to hear. 2008 has a much different meaning to politicians than to generals!