Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gov't Collective Bargaining -- Legal Incest

Government union 'collective bargaining' is an incestuous activity ... the spawn of which is today's Democrat Party!

Public-union goons and knuckle-dragging morons would have us believe that gub'ment employees' "right" to collective bargaining was delivered to Moses, amidst the awful thunders and vivid flashes of Siani! In fact, these wretched abominations of common sense are of relatively recent vintage and, would you believe, in some states, they are not allowed.

Today, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin is under siege in his bold attempt to rein in public unions. Gov. Walker is among a growing cadre of state governors who aim to close their state's yawing budget gaps while establishing long-term fixes that will avoid a fiscal tsunami -- the otherwise inevitable result of exploding public union pensions and benefits.

Presidential Pretender Obozo condemned Walker's "assualt" on unions... a statement he is now regretting.  If he had studied history instead of playing "Where's Waldo" with his birth certificate, he would have known that even the Liberal god-head FDR considered the prospect of a strike by a government union as "unthinkable and intolerable."  Or that George Meany, the original union goon and AFL-CIO's first president said, "It is impossible to collectively bargain with the government."

We the people know that government collective bargaining is an oxymoron.  It is like a thief negotiating with the 'fence!'  It boils down to the unions hiring their own bosses and then facing them across the bargaining table.  Union leaders take money from union dues, and pass it to Democrat candidates. Once elected, the Democrats 'negotiate' with the unions who bought and paid for them.

James Sherk, labor expert of the Heritage Foundation stated it well:  "The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they helped create.  Government workers, however, don't generate profits.  They merely negotiate for more tax money. When government unions strike, they strike against the taxpayers."

Gub'ment unions' incestuous relationships with politicians who write their checks short circuits the democratic process, giving partial control of public agencies to unelected, unaccountable labor leaders.

The Democrat definition of gub'met collective bargaining goes something like this:  One hand in your pocket, the other hand in the unions' pocket and your other hand in the taxpayer pocket!  I know that sounds really weird ... but so does "gub'ment union collective bargaining!"