Sunday, January 09, 2011

Don't Go Wobbly -- Repeal ObamaCare

The Republicans in Congress should remember one thing:  Americans will no longer tolerate broken pledges and incompetence … from either party!

In 2010, the year of the Tea Party, Republicans won, not because they were Republicans, but mostly because they were not Democrats.  That can get you elected, but it cannot keep you there.  Republicans have been given a second chance … now it is time to prove them worthy of that trust! How?  ObamaCare!

ObamaCare has become the battle flag in the fight for the future of a free America. As Mark Levin would say, it is a struggle between liberty and tyranny … you dope!  ObamaCare is the difference between self-determination and central gub’ment control.

By almost a 2 to 1 margin, Americans agree that ObamaCare must be repealed.  The stakes could not be higher, but we all know it cannot be done until Obama is voted out of office in 2012. Democrats are counting on this program, like all their other social programs, to grow to the point that it creates untold legions of wards of the state, addicted to the redistributive goodies of ObamaCare.  If this entitlement program, with its infinite costs, becomes ingrained, it will be the end of our American way of life as we know it.  We must do everything legal and ethical we can to delay the implementation of ObamaCare so that in January 2013, a new president and Congress can finally undo this calamitous mess!

Republicans, take note:  Americans are not clamoring for ObamaCare-lite.  Do not fall for this trap. Tinkering around the edges will send the message that a gub’ment takeover of healthcare (for a start) is acceptable. It is not!  As Maggie Thatcher would have said … Now it not the time to go wobbly! 

Democrats and the Left are going to batter the Republicans no matter what they do … tinker or repeal. They rarely let reality and facts get in the way of blaming Republicans for everything from hurricanes to AIDS and, I am sure, the AZ shooting.  Any attempt of Republicans to gain favor with Dems always results in somewhere, somebody’s taxes go up.

One more word of caution to the new batch of Republicans:  You do not need to seek approval from Democrats!  You should seek approval from the people who brought you to the dance:  The Tea party!