Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama - Biden: What a Pair!

Barack Hussein Obama has finally unveiled his Vice-Presidential pick. One of the most hyped events in the most hyped campaign yet; and it is no other than Senator Joe Biden. This ought to be really rich!

Obama: The man who can not talk without a teleprompter; Biden: The man who cannot stop talking, period!

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Over the course of his failed presidential bid, Joe Biden cemented his reputation as -- how to put this nicely? -- less than disciplined on the campaign trail.

In the summer of 2006, as he was publicly mulling the race, Biden set off a controversy over comments he made about Indian Americans. "I've had a great relationship [with Indian Americans]," Biden said. "In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

On the day he formally announced his candidacy, a New York Observer story that quoted Biden as calling Obama "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" came out, and the resultant uproar effectively undercut any momentum Biden was hoping to build. By extension, Joe Biden must believe that all other African-Americans are not articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking.

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, talks to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) during the hearing.
While Biden was on his best verbal behavior for much of the rest of the campaign, there is no question that his tendency to shoot from the lip worries some in Obama world. As one Democratic consultant put it: "You know there will be three days in the campaign where someone in Chicago will get a call and respond -- 'What did you say he said?.'"
For a campaign that prides itself on its message discipline, choosing Biden would be introducing a wildcard into the mix. The Obama campaign exudes quiet confidence that if they do the basic political work between now and Nov. 4 the Illinois senator will be president. Do they really want to risk it with Biden?

Plagiarizer In Chief

Way back in 1987, Biden was riding high in the presidential race -- widely regarded as a serious contenders for the Democratic party's nod. Then Neil Kinnock happened. Biden borrowed passages of a speech given by Kinnock, a leader in Britain's Labour Party, without attribution -- a mistake that led to a detailed examination of Biden's public statements that turned up several more examples of potential plagiarism and resume inflation. The feeding frenzy eventually chased the Delaware senator from the race.

The incident has become the stuff of political lore -- type "Joe Biden and Neil Kinnock" into Google and more than 37,000 hits are returned -- even though those close to Biden insist that the actual facts surrounding the incidents are largely overblown.

Other then having all the Establishment Media types on his speed dial, what exactly has Senator Biden ever done?

Looking at his resume, one notices he is remarkably short of actual accomplishment. His only talent, apparently, is an ability to serve in DC for many, many years while doing nothing. He is about the only Senator who has managed to accomplish even less then John Kerry!

Biden’s reputation, like the entire B. Hussein campaign, is all media hype and drama queen posturing. Apparently, no one in the Establishment Media have the guts to tell the Messiah he is naked. Other then being remarkably good at getting his face on camera, Biden has done nothing of note. This probably is the most incompetent choice Obama could have made; and really good news for the McCain campaign.