Friday, August 15, 2008

Hilliary Rolls Obambi Out Of The Spotlight

In Denver, the Democrat National Convention, shows every sign of being the complete Clinton soap-oprea. Dr. Phil would have a field day with this dysfunctional clan. It will be fascinating to watch, in that it is impossible to not watch a train wreck in progress. Hillary has a prime-time convention slot on the Tuesday. Bill speaks on Wednesday, stealing the thunder of Senator Obama's veep pick. And now that Obama has caved into her demand for a roll call vote, Hillary will be center stage again on Thursday. Even deluded Obamanics can't believe this is the "change" they were promised.

Fueled by an unholy cauldron of victimhood and entitlement, Clinton's supporters threaten to steal the show at the convention. Don't be fooled by the warm-and-fuzzy joint statement released by the two campaigns. According to one member of Clinton's camp, Obama's "elbow was twisted". Any future negotiations with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran will probably seem like a picnic. And this, folks, is the point of this piece.

Only a political naïf would have agreed to a televised reminder of just how close Senator Clinton came to victory in the primaries. And Obama, schooled in Chicago, is no ingénue. Of course, Clinton - as she is so fond of reminding us - received some 18 million votes this year and came within a whisker of winning. Her husband is the most recent Democratic president. They had to be accommodated; in other words . . . appeased. This is a frightening glimpse of the substance of which Hussein Obama is made. Carefully hidden by his handlers, his 'do what it takes' appeasement mindset is how he would handle conflict as president. This is the mark of his inexperience and softness...characteristics that America cannot afford ,and should avoid at all costs, in a president at this time in history.

Obambi was outmaneuvered, flim-flammed, and hoodwinked by a pair of con-artists (Bubba and Bubbette). Russia's Vladimir Putin and Iran's chimp-like leader must be dancing a jig right about now at the prospect of doing to same thing late in January!