Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Audacious Hoax

The fictional telling of Hillary’s hair-raising , bravery under fire, resume enhancing trip to Tuzla, Bosnia is just amazing; but unsurprising. It is just one more of those little “I misspoke” episodes to add to Whitewater, Travelgate, the missing Rose law firm, suspicious pardons, Johnny Chung and cattle futures.

For those of you who are “news deprived”, at a recent campaign speech Hillary regaled the crowd with her version of a daring aerial decent to the Tuzla airfield complete with military evasive maneuvers and a movie-like dash to safety from the plane to awaiting, presumably, armored transport; All this to escape withering sniper fire for the surrounding hillsides.

Just another day in the life of a First Lady that takes the tough jobs and goes to places that are “too poor or too dangerous” for the President. This Indiana Joan tale made good fare for her adoring crowds until that pesky CBS News outfit (no vast right wing conspirator there) had the audacity to dig out the actual footage of that, perilous in her own mind, event. The now famous video shows the First Lady and her daughter Chelsea leisurely strolling down the steps of the plane and across the tarmac to a pre-staged greeting party complete with an eight year old little girl reciting poetry and presenting flowers to Hillary. Hillary in turn rewarded the little Miss with air kisses and greeted others in the party. No sniper fire; no mad dash to the safety of vehicles, no emergency military landing under fire.

But that is all right. She simply misspoke, being, as she explained, sleep deprived from all her hard work and experience of the past 35 years. But something unusual has happened this time. The news media did not let it die on the vine.

Now Bosnia-gate. This “embellisment”, apparently told for years, may be the proverbial straw that broke the jack-asses back. It is becoming a watershed event in Clintontopia and one that may just give the peasants of her serfdom a very rare chance to liberate themselves. No more apologizing. Now comes the euphoria, the liberation, the freedom of . . . Bosnian snipers! Suddenly, liberals all over are remembering that they never really liked the Clintons, even as they defended them in the 1990s. Suddenly, they can sidle into a discussion about Mrs. Clinton's ethics, and all on a subject that (bonus!) is relevant to today's race. Suddenly, they can break free of the Clintons, much as New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson did earlier this week, with a look of ecstasy, as he ran toward the daylight and endorsed Mr. Obama.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Obama’s Wright “Chickens” Could Roost on Hillary

Hillary and her cadre of hit-men (persons) are sitting fat and sassy like the feline who devoured the avian. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barak Hussein Obama’s spiritual mentor and pastor for the past 20 some-odd years, the Black Racist bigot whom Obama considers an ‘old uncle’, has moved into the Obama-Haus and will not go away.

Barak Hussein’s Rev. Wright problem was not solved with his, now famous, Tuesday Speech when he refused to disown this hate-speech spewing, anti-American black racist; instead he tried, unsuccessfully, to distant himself from some of Rev. Racist’s more politically poisonous rants, but not from the source itself. The lame attempt of justifying such bile with “moral relativism and white guilt” was more damaging that saying nothing. White independent voters are beginning to see The Obamessiah for what he really is: Just another black South Side politician.

This apparent solid gold gift to the Hillary campaign may just prove to be fool’s gold. Hillary and Hillary, Inc. have been very quite on the subject. This, in itself, is a very odd occurrence for this group of flame-throwers; instead she has been “back-rooming” super-delegates dropping hints of doubt about Obama’s electability. This back-room politics as usual and the deafening silence from her on Wright’s rants could just be her undoing. The Wright issue will make her unelectable as well if she cannot stand up to him. But, alas, if she does, she could win the nomination but lose a significant chunk of the key black vote in the general election. If she does not come out and condemn the black racist and his movement, she will lose the key white vote. Damned is she does and dammed if she doesn’t. Priceless!

This is all very entertaining to this “typical white person” as we are considered by Hussein Obama, but it begs the question: If there is such a thing as a “typical white person” is there, on the other side of the equation, the “typical black person”? Sounds like racial profiling to me!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Face Off

Well, well, well…a lot has happened since I last set electrons to LCD display; today’s equivalent to setting pen to paper.

The endless presidential campaign grinds on with the Republican hash settled on John McCain, warts and all. The Democrats are, delightfully, still scrapping like two schoolgirls over the last prom dress; it being ripped in two so neither can wear it.

Hillary and Bill have met their match in Barak Hussein Obama. What was to have been a regal procession to coronation for the world’s self-proclaimed queen has turned into one of the great political melees of the century. The Hildabeast vs Obamessiah.

While there is little difference in Clintonian and Obamaminian liberal socialism, the differences in the candidates are as stark as black and white (pardon the obvious pun).

Hillary: Shrew-like; screech-speak; cackling; manipulative; ruthless; scheming; frightening; bullying; duplicative; self-adoring; secretive; resentful; back-stabbing (long list of victims, political and otherwise); pompous; narcissistic; sense of entitlement; personality-challenged; all terms with a photo of her highness in the definition.

Obama: silver-tongued-devil; snake-oil salesman; upstart; uppity; holier-than-all; and until now, unscarred by political fisticuffs.

While Hillary has dragged around more baggage over her “35 years of experience” than a similarly tenured Red Cap, Obama now finds himself stranded on the tarmac with his own set of Samsonite; that being one Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

For those of you who have been in a bubble-like isolation for the past couple of weeks, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, retired, has been Obama’s pastor and spiritual mentor for the past 20 years. He married Obama and his wife and baptized their children. He also asserts, from the pulpit, that the U.S. government invented the HIV virus “as a means of genocide against people of color”! Wright claims that America was morally responsible for 9/11 – “chickens coming home to roost” – because of, among other crimes, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then there is the charge that the U.S. government under Franklin Roosevelt (Democrat god-father) knew about Pearl Harbor in advance, but lied about it. And best of all, the government gives drugs to black people to enslave and imprison them. All this from a pastor who thundered not once but three times from the pulpit (on a DVD the church proudly sells) “God Damn America”!

This is the spiritual mentoring that Obama (and presumably thousands upon thousands in other predominately black congregations) has received in Wright’s ministry of the “Black Value System”. Obama’s church, Trinity United Church of Christ, believe in precepts, covenantal statements and vision that include:

- Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”

- Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System

- Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value system.

- Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resouces for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions.

- A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.


- A congregation working toward ECONOMIC PARITY.

If Barack Hussein Obama is to be the candidate for president who can transcend race, be above it all; like his DNA, blend all of America into one color, why his he still a member of this church? Why does he refuse to disown this black-racist preacher?

As Charles Krauthammer, in his column, “The Speech: A Brilliant Fraud”, puts it:

Obama's 5,000-word speech, fawned over as a great meditation on race, is little more than an elegantly crafted, brilliantly sophistic justification of that scandalous dereliction.

His defense rests on two central propositions: (a) moral equivalence, and (b) white guilt.

(a) Moral equivalence. Sure, says Obama, there's Wright, but at the other "end of the spectrum" there's Geraldine Ferraro, opponents of affirmative action and his own white grandmother, "who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe." But did she shout them in a crowded theater to incite, enrage and poison others?

"I can no more disown (Wright) than I can my white grandmother." What exactly was grandma's offense? Jesse Jackson himself once admitted to the fear he feels from the footsteps of black men on the street. And Harry Truman was known to use epithets for blacks and Jews in private, yet is revered for desegregating the armed forces and recognizing the first Jewish state since Jesus' time. He never spread racial hatred. Nor did grandma.

Yet Obama compares her to Wright. Does he not see the moral difference between the occasional private expression of the prejudices of one's time and the use of a public stage to spread racial lies and race hatred?

(b) White guilt. Obama's purpose in the speech was to put Wright's outrages in context. By context, Obama means history. And by history, he means the history of white racism. Obama says, "We do not need to recite here the history of racial injustice in this country," and then proceeds to do precisely that. And what lies at the end of his recital of the long train of white racial assaults from slavery to employment discrimination? Jeremiah Wright, of course.

Obama may be right. There is, still today, racism in America. But it is Black Racism now!

As Ricky Ricardo would have stated, “You have a lot of ‘splaining to do, Barak!”