Saturday, December 30, 2006

John Edwards - "Man of the Poor"

He’s Back! John Edwards – Man of the Poor- or so the multi-millionaire trail lawyer calls himself. As the latest preening peacock to wade into the Democrat presidential birdbath (getting a little crowded in there Hillary?), John Edwards has staked out the ‘poor’ as his turf. His vaporous plan to end poverty is to “grow the middle class”. However, he does not realize that you cannot grow the middle class without growing middle class values. Values such as growing up, getting a job, getting married to someone of the opposite sex, settling down and then having kids when you are emotionally and financially ready. His cure for the epidemic rise in out of wedlock births is admonishing young women “to not have kids until they’re ready”. Since the Liberal Democrat party is loath to speak the M-Word (marriage) without the prefix of “gay” attached, their definition of “ready” is fatally flawed.

Absent the “values” component in ‘growing the middle class’, the fall back is the tried and true and failed policy of buying the poor into the middle class. If this would work, the $585 billion (big money even to congress-critters) of your money that the Federal and state governments spend per year on the “poor” would have done it by now!

Folks, the only way to go from “poor” to “middle class” and on to “evil rich” is to work hard, take responsibility and do it yourself.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


“If I knew then what I know now . . .” the latest words from President Elect (according to Big Media) Hillary Rodham-Clinton back tracking on her vote for military action in Iraq. How many times have we ordinary folk thought or said something to that effect? Alas, therein lies the problem. A President is not supposed to be ‘ordinary folk’. Unless you are a pretty, blonde, tearful Miss USA, you do not get a “do-over” in life. A President of the United States does not get a “do-over”. Throughout our history, Presidents have made hard, gut wrenching decisions and have had the grit to do so. They must have the character and strength to accept the consequences of those decisions, good and bad, just as any good parent teaches their children. Presidents do not have the luxury of hindsight. They carry the responsibility for decisions they make, unlike the every four-year pack of jackals known as Presidential contenders. This ‘coulda-woulda-shoulda’ chorus speaks volumes of the character of the choir members (Kerry, Edwards and now Clinton). Just imagine a President of the United States running around hand-wringing and whining to the world, “If only I had known…”.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Defeat The War On Christmas

The War on Christmas must be defeated. Not only on a moral level but, just as important, on a common sense level. Why has the vast majority of the American populace allowed themselves to be cowed by the slighest whimper from some insecure, adolecent, miserable malcontent. The Ten Commandments, Nativity scenes, prayer in public forums and now Christmas Trees all now banned in many places simply because someone has the mistaken opinion that there is a constitutional right to not be offended! Well, I have but two words to say to this delusion: Grow up! How dare you, you sniveling, thin-skinned little thumb-sucker dictate to me what, when and where I may or may not celebrate my holidays, honor my heritage or pray to my God. . If I allowed myself to be "offended" I would become the same wretched, misrealbe, self-loathing creature as you. I will not cede to you that kind of power over me. Therefore, with the full intent of being polictically incorrect: Merry Christmas and God bless us all!