Monday, October 23, 2006

Bill Clinton's Military Career

The following is from Cdr. Hamilton McWorter, USN (RET):

(And Clinton is still out there trying to infulence events!)

BILL CLINTON's MILITARY CAREER(Bill & Hillary - Grit your teeth before you read this)

Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft.

Selective Service Number is 3 26 46 228.

Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.

Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.

Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of Col. E. Holmes.Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.

Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) registrant who has failed to report..remain liable for induction.

Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!

Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under Public Law 90-40. Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice.

Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from Carter.

Bill Clinton is the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United State s .

All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton . After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed five U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington , DC . who are now dead would be alive today.

INTERESTING QUESTION: This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question:

There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively cheap software and gives billions of dollars to charity. The other sponsors terrorism.That being the case, why was it that the Clinton Administration spent more money chasing down Bill Gates over the eight years in office, than Osama bin Laden?THINK ABOUT IT! It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written. This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath.

Sincerely, Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

So You Want To Vote Democrat?

If the propagandists in the Mainstream Media are to be believed, then America is fed up with the current state of Congress and in the mood to change ruling parties. If this is your frame of mind, before you vote just ask yourself the following questions:

1. If you are taking too much money home in your paycheck, then vote for a Democrat. They will raise your taxes and solve that little problem.
2. If you want to abandon the War on Terror and bring our forces home before the job is finished, then vote for a Democrat. They will cut and run and then you can fight the enemy right here at home.
3. If you want to make yourself a success and think you have too much freedom and opportunity to do so, then vote for a Democrat. They will kill your ambition and stifle your ability to do so by more and more onerous laws, taxes and regulations.
4. If you are currently a success and have accumulated a little wealth and are ridden with guilt for having worked hard and earned it, then vote for a Democrat. They will take and re-distribute your wealth to others, most not willing to earn it themselves, just for that warm and fuzzy feeling. Help the less fortunate, but do so yourself; not because a pandering politician says so. Charity by government mandate is not charity; it is socialism!

Otherwise, vote Republican in November, warts and all.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Media Declares Election Over

The election is over. The votes have already been counted. The Republicans are cooked, stick a fork in them they are done. Or so you would believe if you are under the influence of the agenda driven mainstream media. This is exactly how the Liberal Democrats plan to regain power. They are depending upon the belief that you, the folks, are as simple as to be led by the nose in any direction they choose by their sycophants in the world of media. For the last six years, there has been nothing but negative stories, finger pointing, outright lies by the liberals and their panting partners in the press.

What do Democrats have to offer in a positive vein if they do take power in November? No one knows. The self-anointed Speaker of the House to be, Nancy Pelosi, outlined what Democrats plan to do in the first 100 hours after taking power: Lose the war in Iraq, raise taxes and take away current tax relief, mandate higher costs on business by raising the minimum wage which you, the folks, will pay in higher prices. And just for fun, impeach a Commander-in Chief during wartime. Where is there anything positive in all this?

Liberal Democrats cannot win elections on issues. They win by scandal, lies and negative spin. They win only if we let them. Well, I for one, will not allow that to happen by staying home on election day. I will take great pleasure in canceling a liberal’s vote!