Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Bloom Is Off - and none too soon!

It has taken right at a year for the opiate of the Obama ascension to dissipate from the life blood of America. The voting public, going through the withdrawal process and none too happy with the date-rape drug it was slipped in 2008, is retaliating with a vengence.

The heady speeches, grand promises, the sweeping 'hope and change' have proved fleeting and empty. Obama, the temporary occupant of the White House, has been revealed the empty suit he always was but cleverly hidden. Proving that marketing and packaging can sell anything.

Everyone, except the delusional Democrat/Liberal ruling class, saw this coming last spring with the explosion of the Tea Party movement and manifesting itself with the Massachusetts Miracle this Tuesday past with the election of a Conservative Republican to fill the chair of the most liberal lion of the past fifty years in the United States Senate!

The outrage, anger, disgust, mis-trust and outright revulsion that our current Congress and President engender, was channeled and focused through the person of Scott Brown of small town Wrentham, MA.

The message sent is clear and unmistakable. "We the people" of the United States are fed up with lies, pork-pies, back-room deals, and just about all else that Washington has become. Of course, the Delusional Ruling Class are in deep, deep denial that they have been found out and rejected.

"How dare the little people", they say to each other. "Don't they know they are dependent upon we, who know all, see all? Do they really think they have the ability to know what is best for them? No, they really did not mean what they did in MA; a childish tantrum that will pass. There, there little man. Just take a deep breath and send us your money. We know how to spend it for you better than you...don't worry about a thing."

Democrats are consoling and convincing themselves that the 'Brown episode' is just an anomaly. MA votes just suffered some form of mass insanity and will quickly come back around. This attitude was verbalized in the recent interview given by Obama on ABC. The Denier-In-Chief said that the "same anger that swept Scott Brown into office is the same that swept me into office." This anger, thinks he, is at the "past eight years" (ie. Bush)! A psychotic fixation if there ever were one. Mental health specialists all over the country lept to their feet in joy. The President is pathological. What a boon for their trade! The diagnosis de jour; the botique treatment of the year. "Bush Derangement Syndrome" is offically a disability!

No, Obama. It was not lingering anger at George W. was current anger at YOU and your ilk in Washington! The sooner you come to grips with this, the better for the country.

MA, the little state that roared, has sent a message, loud and clear: smaller government; Constitutional adherence; a military second to none; and across the board tax cuts to right our sinking ecomony.

Republicans, better listen! This was not an endorsement of you either. This message had best be adopted by the new Republicans seeking office in November. A Conservative Republican Party had better emerge...dare I say a Tea-Party Republican Party.

Just another little message about your agenda, Obama ... "No We Won't!"