Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Democrats Bent On Retreat From Iraq

The democrat presidential pretenders are bent on retreat. Competition on CNN’s ‘You-Boob' debate was fierce to see who could cut and run the fastest from the battlefield in Iraq. Positions ranged from Bill Richardson’s “all out right now” plan to a more realistic (but still defeatist) assessment of Joe Biden, with Hillary in “me too” mode. John Edwards seemed more concerned with the color of Hillary’s clothing.

None of these preening peacocks addressed the consequences of a full surrender / retreat in the face of the enemy. Not one of these dolts mentioned the casualties that would be inflicted on our 250,000 troops transported en-mass down a two-lane shooting gallery to the sea. The Iraqi civilian massacre to follow? No concern at all.

Most interesting of all was the absence of any mention of Islamic terrorism and it following our troops home. It is only a matter of time before democrats will deny that 9-11 even happened. It is just an urban myth to frighten little children, they will say.

What should frighten everyone, little children included, is one of them as Commander-in-Chief!