Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Damascus Diva

The Damascus Diva, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Speaker of the US House of Representatives, is the perfect representative of the modern Defeatocrat Party. The Neville Chamberlain of our time. (Just FYI for the historically challenged amongst you, Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister who appeased Hitler and declared peace in our time just before Hitler started WWII. ) Her wide-eyed (too many face-lifts) prancing around the Mid-East without a brain in her head, has set back US and Israeli efforts to curb Syria's terror sponsorship. Syria's president Bashar al-Assad must consider himself very fortunate to have such a useful idiot drop by for a chat. Played her like a fine fiddle, he did. Not only did she intentionally mis-represent the foreign policy of an ally (Israel), she made an illegal high level contact with a foreign government and in discussing policy violated the Logan Act, a felony in the US. When Pelosi returned from her "It's All About Nancy" tour, she should have been arrested and frog-marched into custody. Wonder how Hillary feels now that Nancy thinks she is the president? Hmmmmmm?