Friday, March 16, 2007

Time for School Vouchers

A good education is the key to a person’s future and every child deserves the best he or she can get. The State of Utah, passing a landmark educational voucher program, has taken a giant step toward insuring that for their children. Every family, depending on its income, will be reimbursed between $500 and $3,000 per child for tuition paid to the private school of their choice.

Of course the ‘educrats’ and their puppet masters, the teacher’s unions, are in full jihad marshalling their lawyer sleeper-cells to thwart the will of the people. Under their ‘educratic’ control, “they have turned their government schools into laboratories for social engineering, downgrading basic academics and old-fashioned notions of American exceptionalism, patriotism and individualism in favor of collectivism, political correctness, diversity, environmentalism, feminism, and delusional self-esteem”, as summarized by radio personality Mike Rosen.

As the United States falls further behind other nations in the math and science proficiency of students, and millions of functionally illiterate high school graduates, it’s increasingly obvious that something is terribly wrong with public education in this country.

If only Tennessee had the wisdom and courage to follow Utah’s example.