Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Tin Foil Hat Crowd

I see that Tom Bohs is wearing his brand new tin-foil hat purchased from the Netroots division of the Democrat National Committee. Is it the Howard Dean designer model or just the regular nut-case headgear? Regardless, it must have come with a pre-printed conspiracy theory, this time about falling gas prices, the subject of his editorial rant in the Sunday Jackson Sun ( read his editorial )

This event, like all others including the weather, is to be blamed on George W. Bush by the likes of this paranoid paper editor and his “Hate Bush Club” socialist comrades. Rational folk, who have the slightest inkling on how market forces work, understand the positive results of a confluence of events. The ending, even if temporary, of the latest dust up between Lebanon and Israel, the much milder than expected hurricane season to date, and the end of the high-traffic summer driving season all converged. This has convinced the true culprits of gas (oil) prices, the speculators, that a shift from perceived future shortages to perceived future surpluses, at least a leveling of supply and demand, have taken place.

However, I must commend Mr. Bohs for, even if unwittingly, attributing some positive economic news to President Bush.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Oh How They Squeal!

Oh how they can squeal! The Democrat response to President Bush’s 9/11 Anniversary Address to the Nation is breathtaking in its banality and shallowness. The whining started immediately and predictably by the same tired old cast of characters such as Senators Harry Reid (d) and Ted Kennedy (d). The childish sniveling and foot-stomping by these and other Democrats show just how bereft this pack of partisans are of any real concern for the well-being of our country. All they can do is display faux outrage claiming the president used the speech from the Oval Office for political purposes. This from the bunch, who’s every breath, and other gaseous emissions, are of a vitriolic partisan political nature with the express purpose of destroying a President of the United States during a time of war.

President Bush explained, directly to the people, who the enemy is, where they are, why we are fighting them there, and why we will, and must, see this war through to victory. He did this eloquently and forcefully without an opportunity for Big Media to re-write, filter and de-emphasis the message. The Democrats cannot stand when this happens. When the president speaks directly to us, as he did Monday night, it makes the predictable Democrat reaction seem even more narcissistic and irreverent. As President Bush told us, “This struggle has been called a clash of civilizations. In truth, it is a struggle for civilization”. This quote from the speech shows how much larger the issue than Democrat ruffled feathers.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Democrat Mid-Term Agenda (or lack thereof)

What is the Democrat agenda heading into the mid-term elections this November? I can sum it up in one word: Nothing. That’s right. They plan to allow absolutely nothing to be accomplished, in any way shape or form. To allow any positive action for the country, either in domestic policy or national security, might be seen as a Republican accomplishment. This must in no way and at any cost be allowed.

On every issue from the economy, domestic issues to national security, these yapping curs have proven themselves to be, to borrow a phrase from a former vice-president, “nattering nabobs of negatism”. More people than ever are working; personal income is higher than ever, even under the reign of St. Clinton; in a war with Islamo-fascists who have vowed for five years to re-attack our homeland . . . no attacks.

On all these issues all we hear is complaints, whining, outright lies and promises of a “new direction”. It is clear, that for the past three years, the Democrat plan to is to do all in their obstructionist power to drag our country to a level so low that even a Democrat congress will have no where to go but up. Some “new direction”! No thanks.