Monday, August 28, 2006

Big Media's Two For One Chance

“Hurricane Ernesto! Hurricane Ernesto!” Big Media breathlessly pants in unbridled anticipation. Not only is this an opportunity to repeat their sterling performance of the Katrina coverage, it is a rare chance to a ‘two for one’. With the projected track of Ernesto to make landfall on the Florida Peninsula, the opportunity has presented itself to bag two political enemies at one time: George W. Bush and brother Jeb Bush, the Florida Governor.

Most of the Ernesto stories have already been written. Only the names of the disgruntled citizens and dates need to be filled in. Stories of displaced minorities abandoned by Federal and State (George and Jeb) governments are penned. Scathing interviews with Democrat congress-critters and operatives blaming a catastrophe of Biblical proportions on George and Jeb are taped and ready to roll. Reporters are already scouring all of Florida for demographically correct future victims of government incompetence. In newsrooms around the world, Big Media sits in circles, burns incense, chants and wills Hurricane Ernesto to strike the state that elected their archenemy, George W. Bush and possible heir, brother Jeb.

How disappointed Big Media will be if Ernesto fizzles into heavy rain. Don’t worry, the New York Times is ready to leak the story of the secret Bush weather control program.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Media Dissapointment

The British, with the full knowledge and assistance of US surveillance agencies, recently uncovered and halted a terrorist plot on the scale of 9-11. This plot involved the bringing down of 8 to 10 commercial airliners enroute from Europe to the United States and was thwarted by a combination of British intelligence work and information shared by the United States. Information gleaned from the NSA phone surveillance program. The same program demonized by the Defeatocrat Left when the New York Times and their comrades-in-media leaked it to the public. How disturbing it must be for them to learn that the program they wish to kill has, in all likelihood, just saved some their sorry rear-ends from being killed. What a surprise for the Left to have learned that finding out what the bad guys are up to and stopping them before they execute their deadly plan actually works! How disappointing for The New York Times, LA Times and Washington Post. They are just unable to understand how George Bush knew, weeks in advance, about this anti-terror operation and they did not, thus denying them the opportunity to warn the terrorists.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Champions of the 'Little Man'!

Senate liberal Democrats are poised to, once again, shoot themselves squarely in the foot. After months of carping about the need to pass a minimum wage increase, they are doing their best to kill a Republican bill that would do just that.

Democrats, the so-called champions of the ‘little man’, are willing to throw him under the bus in order to prevent the Republicans from fulfilling a campaign promise to extend the death tax cuts, which is part of the proposed bill. Liberal Democrats decry the death tax cuts as a fop to the rich. But they do not realize that the ‘little man’ they purport to champion, hopes someday to be rich and thereby their families someday benefit from the death tax cuts.

The message the Democrats are sending is this: “You will never benefit from the death tax cut because you will never be rich. By killing the bill to increase the minimum wage, we will see to it!”
Some champions!