Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Pogo Rule

Barack Hussein Obama and his Democrat sycophants are experiencing the painful axiomatic truth of that timeless philosopher, Pogo:  “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

With a disingenuousness that can only be described as pathological, Democrats and the Obama administration ceaselessly attribute every shortcoming and mistake they themselves have made on the Great Scape-Goat of Talking Points, ‘the last eight years.’  This, of course, is code for George W. Bush.

They also, in full denial mode, blame their own lack of leadership in being able to produce anything of merit on an “obstructionist”  (code for Republican) opposition party.  They refuse to admit that they, the Democrat Congress, had the super-majority necessary to pass any and all half-baked, lame brained legislation they cared to propose without regard to any Republican opposition.  The Republicans were in no position to obstruct anything!  The Democrats were obstructing themselves.

America is witnessing the spectacular implosion of a once proud and dynamic political party right before their eyes.  Flailing about wildly, lashing out at anyone and everyone, including themselves, in a disparate attempt for survival, this cataclysmic event is being fueled by an even more spectacular disintegration of a President. 
An inexperienced administration led by an inexperienced president is on the path to complete and utter failure and will go down in history as such.

Obama may have been able to organize a community, but he is completely out of his league now … much to the detriment of the country.