Sunday, May 31, 2009

The 'Forceful' Response

With an ego rivaling some US politicians, the little nightmare with a bad haircut, Kim Jong-Il (North Korea) continues to waive the nuclear red flag in the face of the US and the rest of the world with underground nuke test on Memorial Day.

America responded with the feeble bleatings from the State Department that there may be internal change (in N. Korea) down the road emphasize the central feature of the present scene: the absence of meaningful American power. The President came out with a most forceful response: Pyongyang's actions were "a matter of (here it comes!) grave concern." That should have Kim’s knees trembling!

The president's general line on the geopolitical big picture is: I don't need this in my life right now. He's a domestic transformationalist, working overtime – via the banks, the automobile industry, health care, etc. – to advance statism's death grip on American dynamism. His principal interest in the rest of the world is that he doesn't want anyone nuking America before he's finished turning it into a socialist basket case. This isn't simply a matter of priorities. A United States government currently borrowing 50 cents for every dollar it spends cannot afford its global role, and thus the Obama cuts to missile defense and other programs have a kind of logic: You can't be Socialist Utopia writ large with a U.S.-sized military.