Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Cowardly "Comment" Class

"What we pay people in Washington for is to make decisions," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani told the audience at the California GOP convention in Sacramento Saturday.

Mr. Mayor, you are so right. All this ‘non-binding’ resolution nonsense is just blatant political cowardly comment. We do not pay these people to “comment”. The anti-everything-Bush Democrats are so riddled by Bush-hatred that they are willing to risk the security of the United States by encouraging the Islamo-extremist terrorists world wide while disrespecting our brave troops in harms way. A few misguided Republicans, such as Rep. John Duncan of East Tennessee, join these Democrats in this harmful and despicable action.

The argument that by not backing the sending of reinforcements for our troops is really showing support for them is the most ridiculous sort of political blathering imaginable. If any of these Surrendocrats had the courage of their convictions, they would actually try to cut off funding for our troops. Of course they will not do that for it would show their true colors, the white of surrender. They are now so politically invested the defeat of America they know they could never survive victory.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Hillary Wants Those Profits !

Hillary Clinton, Democrat presidential wanna-be, let slip her socialist darkside recently at the winter meeting of the Democrat National Committee. She said, “The oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits, and I want to put them in an alternative energy fund.”

She was ranting about ExxonMobil’s $39.5 billion 2006 profit report. While this is a staggering number, what she conveniently omits is the context. ExxonMobil’s profits come on sales of $377.5 billion, making the profit margin just a shade over 10%. This is a fair-to-middling return and well below other industries such as banking and bio-tech.

Take those profits? Isn’t that confiscation of private property?; shareholder’s property?; ordinary American’s property? This is not her (government’s) money to take. This is another example of just how liberals consider other people’s money their own and demonize any successful person or business that actually produces a product or service that people want and need. They believe that government should control and provide everything.

Author P.J. O’Rourke described Hillary perfectly: “She’s Hugo Chavez in a pants suit.”

Thursday, February 08, 2007

All Aboard Pelosi One

The latest flap involving Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) is her request for the use of luxury air transport for her, her family and untold numbers of politicians, lobbyists and other hangers-on to and from Washington to San Francisco, her home district. The Speaker of the House, being second in line of succession to the presidency, has since 9-11 been afforded military air transport for security reasons. Former Speaker Hastert (Republican) flew on a 16 passenger military jet. Not content with such plebian accommodations, Speaker Pelosi is requesting one that will seat 42 passengers, has an entertainment center, private bedroom, first class conference room and a crew of 16, all at the taxpayer-paid rate of $15,000 per hour.

The sheer arrogance of the request is mind-boggling! Oh, and you tree-huggers will love this: this craft will spew 10,000 pounds of carbon-dioxide into the air every hour. All this from the woman who promised to end congressional perks, bring fiscal responsibility to government and end global warming!

Well, all you that voted Democrat this last election, what hath thou wrought?